Sunday, December 28, 2014


धर्म संघ

बोधि श्रवण गुरु संघाय

नमो मैत्री सर्व धर्म संघाय

1. महामैत्री मार्ग गुरु, गुरुमार्ग र भगवान मार्गको अनुसरण गरि विस्मृत भाव लिई अवगमन गर्ने समस्त संघ मित्रता धर्म प्रेमी अनुयायीहरुलाई मैत्री मंगल गर्दै, वर्तमान यस गुरुक्षणको स्मृति सँगै सन्तापित सबै आत्माहरुले महा मैत्री धर्मको मार्गमा शितलताको बोध गरुन । धर्म मात्र एक तत्व हो, जसको धरातलमा टेकेर परात्मासँग साक्षत हुने अवसर पाउँदछ ।

2. एवं भाव रहित दिशाहिन बाँया समान भौतारी रहेको आत्माहरुले महा मैत्रीको मंगलनाद श्रवण गरी यथा सिघ्र बन्धन मुक्त होउन् ।

3. प्यासको अत्यान्तिक अनुरुप पानीको मोल भए झै दया, करुणा, अहिंसा, श्रद्धा, आस्था भक्ति, विस्वास र मार्ग प्रतिको अटल मानव जिवनमा धर्मको मोल हुने गर्दछ ।

4. धर्ममा प्रवेश हुनु भनेको मुक्ति र मोक्षको मार्गमा लिन हुनु हो ।

5. जुन मार्गमा मुक्ति र मोक्ष रुपि तत्व हुदैन, सत्यधर्ममा त्यसलाई कहिले पनि मार्ग भनी स्वीकार्न सकिदैन एवं धर्म खण्डित संस्कृतिमा नभएर आत्मा र परात्मा बिचको सेतु मैत्री ज्ञानको परिपूर्णतामा उपलब्ध हुँदछ ।

6. मनुस्यले मैत्रीज्ञानबाट टाढा रहि जस्तो सुकै अभ्यास गरे पनि सत्य तत्वको प्राप्ती असम्भव छ । 

7. क्षणिक संसारमा लाभ भएको देखिएता पनि अन्ततः सबै व्यर्थ ठहरिनेछ । 

8. असंख्य प्राणिहरुको जीवनचक्र र अवगमन समस्त लोकहरुको व्यवस्था एवं आत्मा,
अनात्मा र परात्मा बिचको अखण्डता हो ।

9. धर्म सूर्य उदाउनु र अस्ताउनु, आकाशमा जुन तारा चम्कनु, प्रकृतिमा फुल फुल्नु हो ।

10. धर्म अन्ततः अघोर दुःख स्वप्नबाट विऊझिएर वास्तविकतामा आफूलाई सकुशल पाएझै यस अनित्य संसारको क्षण भंगुरता बोध गर्नु हो ।

11. धर्म कुसल विचार र बुद्धिमता भएको मनुस्यले के गुण छ ? धर्ममा वस्तु धर्मले के गर्छ ? भनी प्रश्न गर्नु भन्दा संसारिक वस्तुको वास्ना र बन्धनहरुले मनुस्य आफुलाई के दिएको छ भन्ने प्रश्नको खोज किन गर्दैन?

12. मनुस्य आफूले अनुसरण गरेको मार्गले मुक्ति र मोक्ष रुपी तत्व समेटेको छ वा छैन भन्ने विषय मनुस्यको आफ्नो नितान्त ब्यक्तिगत अन्तर् खोज हो ।

13. गुरुले धर्म पुरा गर्छ । लोकलाई मार्ग दिएर, तर मार्गमा यात्रा मनुस्य स्वयंमले गर्नु पर्दछ ।

14. गुरुबाट मार्ग दृष्टि भईरहँदा मार्गमा यात्रा गर्ने आत्माहरुले संचित गरेको पुण्य र अन्यकर्म अनुरुप पाउनु पर्ने तत्व र भोग्नु पर्ने सत्य सुनिश्चित हुने गर्दछ ।

15. मार्गमा विविध दुमाफहरु आउनु भनेको स्वभाविक भएता पनि तात्विक विषय अन्तत गुरु मार्ग प्रतिको श्रद्धा र विश्वास हो ।

16. होस रहिरहोस् धर्म तत्वको अनमोल रत्नहरुले भरिपूर्ण यस महा मैत्री मार्ग सर्वज्ञानको महा वोधले पूर्ण छ ।

17. तथापी मनुस्यहरुले रित्तो शब्दको भण्डारण गर्नु पूर्व आफ्नो जिवनमा प्रयोग वा गुरुमार्गको अनुसरण गरे सिघ्रनै मार्ग तत्वको वोध हुनेछ ।

18. धर्तिमा टेकेर आकाशको आशनमा अडिनु मनुस्य चोलामा रहेर पनि मैत्री तत्वको वोध सँगै परात्माको विशद स्वरुपको दर्शन पाउनु आफुलगायत समस्त लोकको रहस्य वोध हुनु, चित्तको असंख्य भाव सागरहरुबाट पानीसरह वास्विभुत भई खुला आकाशमा मुक्त हुनु हो ।

19. सर्व धर्म र गुरु ज्ञान भन्दा उच्च गुणका तत्वहरुलाई प्रदान गरी विश्वभर पूर्वि भ्रमित अस्तित्व लोप गराउने योग्यतालाईनै मैत्री धर्म भनेको हो । तथानुसार सर्व धर्मको पूर्वी अस्तित्व सबै मैत्री धर्मको मार्गमानै ससिम हुन्छ ।

20. मैत्रीय मार्ग मनुस्यले जीवनको अन्तिम क्षणसम्म धर्मको सत्य अभ्यास गरे मात्र धर्म लाभ गर्दछ ।
Maitrīya mārga manusyalē jīvanakō antim kṣaṇ sam'ma dharmakō satya abhyās garē mātra Dharma lābh gardacha.

21. यस मैत्री सन्देशका साथ सम्पूर्ण विश्व मानव भित्रको क्लेशलाई मुक्त गर्न मैत्रीय ११ (एघार) वटा शीलहरु दिइरहेको छु ।

१) नाम, रुप, वर्ण, वर्ग, आस्था, समुदाय, शक्ति, पद्, योग्यता आदिको आधारमा भेदभाव कहिल्यै नगर्नु तथा भौतिक, आध्यात्मिक भन्ने मतभेदहरु त्याग्नु ।

२) शाश्वत धर्म, मार्ग र गुरुको पहिचान गरि सर्व धर्म र आस्थाको सम्मान गर्नु ।

३) असत्य, आरोप, प्रत्यारोप, अवमुल्यन तथा अस्तित्वहिन वचन गरेर भ्रम फैलाउनु त्याग्नु ।

४) भेदभाव तथा मतभेदको सिमांकन गर्ने दर्शन वा बाटोलाई त्यागी सत्य मार्ग अपनाउनु ।

५) जीवन रहुन्जेल सत्य गुरुमार्गको अनुसरण गरी पाप कर्महरु त्यागी गुरु तत्वको समागममा सदा लीन रहनु ।

६) आफूले प्राप्ती नगरेको तत्वलाई शब्दजालको व्याख्याले सिद्ध गर्न नखोज्नु तथा भ्रममा रहेर अरुलाई भ्रमित नपार्नु ।

७) प्राणी हत्या, हिंसा जस्ता दानवीय आचरण त्यागी सम्यक आहार गर्नु ।

८) राष्ट्रिय पहिचानको आधारमा मानिस वा राष्ट्र प्रति संकीर्ण सोच नराख्नु ।

९) सत्य गुरु मार्गको अनुशरण गर्दै आफु लगायत विश्वलाई लाभान्वित गर्ने कर्म गर्नु ।

१०) सत्यलाई उपलब्ध भई गुरु मार्ग रुपलिई समस्त जगत प्राणीको निमित्त तत्व प्राप्त गर्नु ।

११) चित्तको उच्चतम र गहनतम अवस्थामा रहेर अनेकौं शीलहरुको आत्मा वोध गरी सम्पूर्ण बन्धनबाट मुक्त हुनु ।

22. यो मैत्रिय ११(एघार) वटा शीलहरु सँगै सबै संघहरुले आत्मसाथ गरी आफू लगायत समस्त प्राणीहरुको उद्धार गर्नु यस सत्य मार्ग ज्ञानलाई साराले वोध गरुन् ।

23. संसारिक वस्तु नाम, यश, कीर्तिको पछि अहंकार वश नरुमल्लिएर सदा आत्मामा मैत्री भाव राख्दै, परात्माको स्मृतिमा त्वष्ट रहि रहनु हो ।

24. लोकमा सत्य धर्मलाई पुनः अनुष्ठान गर्न युगौंको अन्तरालमा गुरु मार्गको अवतरण भएको छ ।

25. यस स्वर्णिम क्षणको वोध प्राणी एवं वनस्पतिले गरेझै दिन मनुष्यहरुले पनि क्लेश रहित हुँदै यस महा मैत्री मार्गमा यथासय धर्म लाभ गरुन् ।

सर्व मैत्री मंगलम् ।।
अस्तु तथास्तु ।।।

मिति: २०७० फाल्गुण १० गते ।
लमजुङ्ग खुदी- १


In other's shoes

In moment of silence, sometime wonder “who we are”, “where we come from”, “what we do”, “what we believe” ? I told one of my colleague some days back, "These days I am interested to understand more about ethics”. Immediately, he suggested, “what about writing on ethics?” I thought for a while and finally, I said “Yes, why not!!” Instead, I am here with a short write up on empathy, since ethics is a bit weighty discourse about moral philosophy

 So, “What is empathy?”

The word EMPATHY simply means, “The feeling that you understand and share another person’s experience and emotions”. In short, “it is the ability to understand someone else’s feelings.”

Now, let us ask ourselves even further, “Are we empathic towards other beings in our daily lives?”

I am asking this question to oneself because being empathic to others is the key to compassionate and ethical behavior in us. Now let us dissect this word “empathy” a bit more.  There are three main kinds of “empathy”, each involving distinct sets of our brain circuits.

Cognitive empathy: This is about understanding how other people see the world and how they think about it, and understanding their perspectives and mental models. This helps us in figuring out what would be the best ways to understand other fellow beings. E.g.  This fits well in a diverse environment with people from different background.

Emotional empathy: This is a brain-to-brain linkage that allows "chemistry" in our connections with other’s inner experience and emotion. E.g. when we see an old lady struggling to walk up the stair, we like to help her.

Empathic concern: Unlike the first and second kinds of empathy, this third variety of empathy is based on the ancient mammalian instinct for caring and for parenting. This naturally leads to and demand empathic action. E.g. Now there is an Ebola outbreak in West Africa, international communities are helping those countries in the ground to deal with this serious public health problem.

In summary – we can make this world a better place through empathic action, which is the key for compassionate and ethical behavior in and around community. I know, this is what we do, but we can do more and share happiness magnifying our cognitive and emotional empathy through our education now. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

An Open Letter to ESAMATA


I follow your news and opinion write ups daily. I am thrilled to read more of debates on socio political landscape of Nepal. I strongly believe that Esamata is moving in the right direction. However, my curiosity and concern, is there a room for an article on Bhupi's significance that speaks of socio political issues that plague our community? Love to read an article that can bring out discussion among readers what Bhupi, a great poet from Nepal that represents the heart and mind of oppressed and discriminated has to offer even now.

तमू  ल्होछारको शुभकामना !!

Best, Thasang Samajik Sanjal

Thursday, December 25, 2014

नेपालीमा लेख्ने प्रयाश

के लेख्ने सोच्दै छु !! हुनत, यो ब्लगको उद्देस्य भनेको थकाली युवाहरुलाई केहि भएपनि ज्ञान गुणका   खुराक  पस्किनु हो, तर फेरी भन्छु, केहि दिन भयो लेख्न गारो भै रहेको छ, जे होस् केहि त लेख्नु पर्यो, हुनत म थकालीको छोरो हु, थकालीमा लेख्ने अनि  स्फूर्त तरिकाले  बोल्ने ठुलो इच्छा छ, अफसोच मलाई १ या २ वटा थकाली शब्दहरु बाहेक ज्यादा बोल्न आउदैन - किन त ? प्रश्न  गहण  छ, यो कुरा बुझ्न हाम्रो सामाजिक, राजनितिक चेतना अनि अन्य धरातलको गहिरो अध्य्यनको तड़्कारो खाँचो छ, तसर्थ अहिले म यसको उत्तर दिने ध्रिस्टता गर्दिन बरु स्वअध्य्यनको प्रयाश गर्ने छू, अर्को महत्वपूर्ण पाटो भनेको हाम्रो थकाली भाषाको आफ्नै लिपि पनि त छैन !! जसले गर्दा हाम्रो समाजका महत्वपूर्ण इतिहास, साहित्य, कथा अनि अन्य बिधाहरुको आफ्नै लीपीमा लिपिबध्व गर्न असमर्थ छौ, यो बास्तवीक सत्य हो, हुनत मैले हाम्रो थकाली भाषा सिक्न र बोल्न त धेरै प्रयास गरेको हुँ तर हाम्रो सामाजिक अनि एजुकेशनको परिबेश नै फरक, कहाँ पढ्न पाउनु स्कुलमा थकाली भाषा !! हिजो मलाई एउटा बिदेशीले सोध्नु भयो, "तपाई कतीवटा  भाषाहरु बोल्नु हुन्छ", निस्फिक्री मैले भने "थकाली, नेपाली, हिंदी आनी अंग्रेजी " तर मलाई थाहा थियो "म आफ्नो मातृ भाषा  बोल्न अनी लेख्न असमर्थ छु भनेर ", एस्तै परिस्थितिबाट हामी सब थकाली युवाहरु  गुज्रेका छौ, तसर्थ  प्रश्न अहम: छ,  दूरगामी पनि,

हुनत, थकाली समाज अनि भद्र भलादमीहरुले यसको मह्सुश नगरेका भने होइनन !! प्रयाश गरेका छन जस्तै बार्षिक रुपमा खांगलो पत्रिका अनि शब्द कोषहरु पनी प्रकाशनमा छन, यसको बाबजुत, सत्य के हो भने, हाम्रो भाषा लोपोन्मुख छ र यो अति लोपोन्मुख भाषा मध्येमा एक पर्दछ,  यो ठूलो दुर्भाग्य हो, किनकी हरेक भाषा अनि सांस्कृतिक सम्पदा हरु राष्ट्रको सम्पति हुन,  हुनत अहिले नेपालमा भाषिक आन्दोलन ब्याप्त छ तरपनि म के ठान्छु भने यसको कारण त हामी नै हौ, हो यस्मा राज्यसत्ता पनि जिम्बेवार छन्, तर हामी स्वयम: अन्तरिक रुपमा कम्जोर भएपछी जरुर बह्य आक्रमण जरुर हुन्छ, र कटु भन्नु  पर्दा सत्य यहि हो, यो कुरा जो आत्मा साथ गरेर हामी अन्तरिक सुधिकरणमा लाग्नु पर्छ, "घर पहिला ठिक भए पछि बाहिरपनि बलियो अनि सशक्त रुपले अघाडी बढ्न सकिन्छ", अन्यथा "अर्काको शरीरमा जुम्रा हिडेको देख्ने, अनि आफ्नोमा भैसी कुदेको नदेख्ने मुर्ख" सरह प्रमाणित हुनेछौ, तसर्थ हामीले येजुकेसन अनि अनुसन्धानको पाटोलाई मजबुत बनाउनु अनिवार्य छ अनि युवाहरुलाई सहि मार्गनिर्देशन गर्न सक्नु पर्छ, किनकि युवा नै हाम्रो भविस्य हुन् भन्ने कुरोमा दुइमत नहोला,

पुष १०, २०७१ 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A lady with "Crooked" Nose

It is said that the best way to vent your anger or frustration is to involve yourself in positive initiative, so anger or frustration is used as energy for action rather than for destructive nature of involvement, which you later regret and it is too late to take the right track for your future. You know, I can share a simile, for example an airplane if the pilot makes a mistake of let us say 1 degree calibration in the compass, the airplane will fly far far away from the final destination and perhaps have to face a disaster. We do not want that, so the best way to deal with any problem is to act now and be aggressive in what you do.

This is one of my exercises, for few days I am angry with one imaginary lady for her subtle discriminatory behavior. I know, I can there and then act and litigate her. But, I want to wait and watch and do this social experiment to ventilate your anger here in this writing.

I think, John Steinbeck who wrote masterpiece like East of Eden once told in his interview that writers are able to dissect attitude, character or an incident to his liking, so is true here. I am going to dissect a lady not out of anti feminist thoughts or anything of so. For your information, I do have great respect for women of great courage and honor.

Today, it is out of these thoughts that I wanted to write a short story on this “imaginary” person out of a burst of “weird feeling” that took over me. It is a kind of “nauseating!!” I am borrowing Sarte’s word here. I thought, I would throw up, but to calm myself from this situation - I need to write, all the feelings and thinking are popping like “pop corn” in a hot pan. So, writing is the only medicament for this strange urge. So let me start with this lady, whom I have started to hate out of her constant irritation.

Usually, anybody with “deformed” nose are said to be of wicked nature. I do not know whether this is true? Somewhere, now – I feel that this is must be partly true!! Yes, she has deformed nose that must have been deformed because of surgery that went terribly wrong!! This is what I think and this must be partly true most of the time and I do not care. And she is damn bitchy!! The only thing is whenever I see her I am disgusted with her deformed “flat” nose. She always comes to office like a cat – self aware as if “I am a beautiful humanoid pussy cat.” To be precise– a “pussy” cat, yes again. Partly, this cutie is pampered in a sophisticated way that only a sophisticated “he – cat” could fathom her complex “city girl” character.  This could be one area where every “he – man” could falter since she is so unpredictable like any stray dog.

This cutie has crossed her age that I can’t call her a young and beautiful anymore. To be a bit soft on her – let me say, “She is a paradoxically soft woman” Only soft in her feminine skin, not her character. This cutie has special love for anything that is a bit girlish – color, chattering, facial grimaces!! But, unfortunately for her, she is nearing her late 50s.

Finally, this “nosy” woman always hunts for “a prey of the day” early in the morning through her cunning eye. Yes you are right – it has to be man (not woman) for sure. Somebody who she considers to be lame or whom she can manipulate will be her prey. So be aware next time of her and by the way, have you come across such a person?

21 Dec, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Smile More and be healthy !!

How do you like this video with Orangutan dancing? This is great, isn’t it? I could feel and see smiles in your face. We know that “a good-natured smile can work wonders and bring miracles.”   When I see smile in your face, I feel happy and positive energy flow in you surrounding as well.

I have always felt, I am not able to smile whole heartedly most of the time. So, sometime, those who don’t know me well used to ask me politely – “Anything wrong with you?” and I used to feel disgusted. This is one aspect of my personality that I have always felt I need to improve.  Therefore, I would like to write about smile and share some basic questions with you all. 

  • how  do you understand “smile”? 
  • why do we smile and why does it show up in our face?
  • what  are the benefits of smile? 

First, smile is “a facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward and which expresses especially amusement, pleasure or approval.”

Second, it is said that smile is the outcome of complex interplay of facial muscles. These facial muscles are also called “emotive muscles” that relates to your emotion that goes inside your brain in response to some stimuli e.g. happiness or funny act.

Third, smile has lots & lots of benefit

  1. Smile is contagious and creates flow of positive energy in the environment 
  2. Smile does not cost money, so you can smile anywhere and wherever you like!! 
  3. Smile brings goodness and happiness  in the family and community so helps in improving the Quality of Life around you 

Now, we understand that smile is a product of complex interplay of external environment, your “thinking brain” and your “emotive muscles” in your face. “Smile is priceless” and it is always good to share with others. The more we share, the more precious and shiny it becomes!! Simply saying, A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.