Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Random thoughts

For few days, I am playing with an idea, "what does it mean to be judged based on his / her background?" The background could be anything from family, color, race or nationality and so on. I am bound to think about it, when someone has to face such a situation, when we notice a clear distinction in behavior towards you based on your color or language or nationality. I am sorry, I am ruminating such thoughts, which you may think - waste of time. But, you may come across such subtle incident and unknowingly you feel pinched. This happens many times within your country or outside mostly in immigration. 

Few days back, a friend of mine from Africa had to face such an incident. I also vividly remember one such incident in a popular TV show where singing star Mr. Tamang had to face !! I ask again why such irritation should take place? Uhhmm.. when you start think about it in retrospective, you may get answer and start to develop conviction. I feel , such incidents happen, when people fail to recognize core value of love and kindness. And such people may not be exposed to real life situation of how others feels or go through. In simple word, we may lack EMPATHY. In addition, this kind of cold behavior could be the outcome of environment or his/ her nascent personality. As an example, it could be just because you grew up in wealthy community, where you do not have to think of daily necessities and mostly, pampered. In some cases, it could be his / her cold temperament. Whatever may be the reason, I feel there is strong need for induction of social values such as respect for diversity among people of different faith / color / languages / nationalities and have compassion towards fellow beings. We also know that this starts from your school, home and community. There lies answer for all these happenings so, solution for this behavior could be education and cross - cultural dialogue. 

For today, I feel a bit lighter and relieved. At least i managed to vomit out and write my feeling so i can be creative instead of suffering to myself in negative spiral of anxiety and boiling anger. I also like to look into this kind of happening in perspective before coming into any conclusion. First thing we can do is ignore, or if you cannot do so, then have compassion towards his / her ignorance, smile and forget it. If you are brave enough to tackle the situation then face it and explain it. Here i would like to share a pictorial story of blind men and an elephant. In short, message of the story is in one word: PERSPECTIVE

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