Saturday, November 15, 2014

Early Birds - Are you one of them?

Every body goes through ups and down in their career path. No body can deny this fact,. If you say - " Well, I am an exception to it !!", then you may be exceptionally lucky or God like character. Otherwise, it is normal for all of us to go through ups and down. At this point of time, I am trying to review my career - what I have achieved so far & how much I have contributed to the community I serve? So far so good, it is basically my passion for the work, I am moving forward - no pain, no gain.
Each one of us would always like to shine in our work area. But a question comes, how can we be successful? Now, after a review of different careers, reading autobiography of legends and observing other colleagues who are successful and happy - I have come to a simple truth and that is - All of successful people are early birds !!
So, are you an early bird?

You may be asking how come early birds are successful?
It is primarily because of following reasons:
  • Time management - They are effective and believe in action. There is no room for procrastination.
  • Health freaks - Early birds are conscious of what they eat and do, so they are usually healthy both physically, mentally, socio - economically and at political level
  • Equilibrium of family and work: Early birds are never busy, they have time for everything, because they know how to prioritize tasks and delegate when necessary.